This action figure does not exist.
JoyToy “Steiner” figure: https://amzn.to/3JP55a0 What do you think of Midjourney and AI “art” in general?
The very BASICS of concrete. | ◄ THROWBACK EPISODE
This is a “THROWBACK” of an episode from 1/22/2017, with fixed audio. (Original was uploaded with a very low audio level.)
SCULPT, BAKE, and BEND! (CosClay, the “Fantastic Flexible Plastic”)
BUY COSCLAY HERE: https://amzn.to/3PS7xOH CLAY EXTRUDERS: https://amzn.to/3veOd6w (Mine is the “Walnut Hollow” brand, but this link should bring up additional options.) I finally got some CosClay to try, and honestly I’m impressed with the results. Will this replace plastic/resin for me? Probably not, but it is EXCELLENT for sculptures that you want to be resilient and impact resistant. CHECK OUT MY BUDDY JOSH FOREMAN (Sculpting tutorials and more!): https://www.youtube.com/c/scrybe
MODIBOTS customizable figures! (Review + Animation Test)
GET YOUR MODIBOT HERE: http://www.modibot.com/steadycraftin (10% OFF CODE: STEADYCRAFTIN)
How to build a MINIATURE Shop scene! (Using mostly tree branches. LOL.)
These Are Shapes: https://linktr.ee/theseareshapes “Roads That Bend” Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_4k7… SUPPLIES USED: * Static Grass Applicator https://amzn.to/3Nd9Ytv Floral Foam: https://amzn.to/3NcrXQX More Miniature Scenery Supplies: https://amzn.to/3N5FVE9
PEWTER injection mold! Does it WORK? Is it dangerous?
This video is about how I melt a pewter ingot to pour into a silicone mold, to make an injection mold. It is something I’ve been asked about more than a few times, and since my “regular” episode is held up, I decided to finally tackle this topic. As stated in the video, a pewter injection mold IS possible, but care must be taken during casting to ensure the pewter makes it into all the corners and details. Additionally, the mold’s temperature should be monitored if it will be used for longer periods of time. THINGS USED IN THE VIDEO: PEWTER INGOT: https://amzn.to/38Eegfi HOT POT 2: https://amzn.to/3GzrXbY OOMOO 30 (Tin-Cure…
Making a MINIATURE version of my shop! (For a channel intro.)
This is a somewhat crude miniature version of the exterior of my shop. The idea is to use this in an animated channel intro. LINKS: ABANDONED MINIATURES: https://www.youtube.com/c/AbandonedMi… MINI MATERIALS: https://www.minimaterials.com/ PLASTIC PELLETS: https://www.techkits.com/products/res… BONUS!: Crafsmama’s Cobbler Recipe – https://www.patreon.com/posts/crafsmamas-or-66599717
How to make MINIATURE roofing metal! | REAL QUICK
Here’s a quick and easy way to make miniature roofing metal. NOTE: This is what I call the “BARE MINIMUM”, because I literally just used hardened wire and a block of wood. But ideally some form of hardened metal edge embedded into a block of wood, with a matching grooved block of wood to receive it, would be ideal. FURTHERMORE, you can even add multiple Vs or even get crazy and build a CORRUGATED METAL jig! 😀 TOOLS & MATERIALS USED: * HARDENED WIRE: https://amzn.to/3kZGrIf METAL AVIATION SNIPS: https://amzn.to/3FAG2Fv MINI MATERIALS (CINDER BLOCKS): https://amzn.to/39cQfvQ AFFILIATE LINK NOTICE “As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.”
My favorite animation tool: The WINDER.
This video shows how I use a professional winder tool to animate walking, running, and jumping. Winder from Kinetic Armatures: https://kineticarmatures.com/rigs-and…