DIY SOFUBI!? Home Made Japanese style toys for CHEAP!
MATERIALS: SMOOTH-ON REBOUND 25 SILICONE: https://amzn.to/491Ip2U ALUMINUM OXIDE: https://amzn.to/3Z5pVtE (Please wear a respirator! Do not breathe aluminum powder.) EPOXY TUMBLER SPINNERS: https://amzn.to/3CC3Tay (These are cheap – take your pick. I own several.) OIL COOKER: https://amzn.to/4fDsHxb (There are other options – I just like this one!) APOXIE SCULPT: https://amzn.to/3OniHMC PLASTISOL: https://polysolpolymers.com/online-store (Practice safe handling with plastisol!) JOINTING IN WAX: • 湯口の作り方2/2 -SDWAX- ついに湯口が完成!約1年間の集大成!全… GET AN OTO7 FIGURE – before the run out!: https://shop.crafnation.com/
Before diving into making sofubi ourselves (and with Vinyl Wonder’s help), we got the ball rolling on having OTO7 made overseas in a well established sofubi shop. We just got the word that the molds are ready and they are ready to start production! OTO7 will be 5″ tall with moveable arms – and we even have the option to offer three different colors! We’re going with Taffy Yellow, Baby Blue and Technical Grey. Of course, he’ll come with a couple few extras, including an OTO7 sticker and factory “manual”! This process could take 2-3 months, so we will keep you posted on the updates on our website (www.crafnation.com), but…
How to make DIY SOFUBI molds using silicone and metal. (CHEAP, FAST, REUSABLE)
This video shows how to make SOFUBI molds much cheaper and quicker than going the overseas route. This is not to take away from metal molds – they are the STANDARD, they hold up, they have been tried and have proven true – but the ability to make our own molds for plastisol / soft vinyl is very exciting! DRAGON SKIN 10 FAST SILICONE: https://amzn.to/44UXUaI DRAGON SKIN 10 MEDIUM SILICONE: https://amzn.to/3WXoCxs COPPER POWDER: https://amzn.to/3wPqqhq DIY SOFUBI ARTISTS: / theplasticgeek / webecomemonsters **** Please practice personal safety precautions when handling or heating plastisol! **** NOTES: – For larger vinyl figures and parts, consider either a stiffer silicone or a rigid support shell. – There…
How to make SOFT VINYL toys at home! Plus ROTOCAST DIGITAL 12!
We review the smooth-running ROTOCAST DIGITAL 12, make a bunch of figures, and find out if it is actually possible to heat cure and pull soft vinyl from silicone molds. CURING PLASTISOL: – In an old oven (not used for food), pre-heat silicone mold to 400 degrees. – Pour liquid plastisol into hot mold and let sit for 2 to 3 minutes to form a semi-cured gel layer. (The mold will drop well below 400 quickly, so I either set inside the oven w/ door open, or wrap with aluminum foil like a baked potato to keep heat inside.) – Empty uncured plastisol into a spare container, to be reused.…
In this video I show one way to make your own DIY SOFUBI style figures at home! Initially it was only going to be a video about which RESINS to use for rotocasting and HOW TO MAKE PAINT STAY. But it became evident that I should have some kind of end product to show y’all, so I sculpted a Battle Tabby cat in a suit. SUPPLIES USED: SMOOTH-CAST 45D https://shop.smooth-on.com/smooth-cas…https://amzn.to/3uTT67Y (Try Smooth-On link first – usually cheaper!) SMOOTH-CAST KX FLEX 90 https://shop.smooth-on.com/kx-flextm-90 3M SANDING CLOTH PACK https://amzn.to/3P6NKNs REFERENCED VIDEOS:MAKE PAINT STICK TO PLASTIC (FLAME ANNEALING) • Make PAINT stick to PLASTIC! (Flame T… MACH 1 MONKEY DIY ROTATIONAL CASTING • Mach1monkey ROTOMO | DIY Rotational C… ROBERT TOLONE: DIY Rotational Molding • DIY Rotational Molding – How to hollo… ROBERT…
BUILT DIFFERENT: Japanese Soft Vinyl Toys | HOW they’re made, WHY they’re special
This video is about the world of SOFUBI (soft vinyl toys made in Japan). Soft vinyl toys are “a whole ‘nother monster”, in more ways than one, all the way down to how the molds are made. Vinyl pulling is a unique, time-honored, slower-paced process that has produced some of the most pleasant plastic figures on earth. VINYL WONDER – DURABLE VINYL PAINThttps://www.vinylwonder.com/WONDER GOBLIN VINYL TOYShttps://www.wondergoblin.com/MAX TOY COhttps://www.maxtoyco.com/NEIL EWING / BOMBASTIC PLASTIChttps://www.bombasticplastic.com/BWANA SPOONShttp://goopygravy.comMAGITARIUShttps://www.magitarius.com/LAST BASTION STUDIOhttps://www.lastbastionstudio.com/storeCANDIE BOLTONhttps://www.candiebolton.com/LOW TECH STUDIOShttps://www.lowtechstudios.com/ HOW IT WAS MADE: JOY RIDERS & SKY KING (Fantastic HOW-IT’S-DONE info!)https://www.thebeastisback.com/blogFUTURETROISTIC ART MAGAZINE (Thank y’all for featuring Steady Craftin!)http://www.FutuRETROistic.comRUDE PANDAhttp://www.patreon.com/RudePanda VIDEOS REFERENCED OR SHOWN IN THIS EPISODE:The Great Process – The…