Steady Crafter In The Wild!

The other day, we were sitting around thinking about how great of a community our fans are and how wonderful it would be for you guys to be able to meet in person. We wanted to make that a little easier for y’all and took a shot at the “In the Wild” concept. You know….you’re at your favorite hobby store, look over and see someone wearing the SC ITW shirt…or maybe you’re wearing it and someone sees you. That excitement of meeting someone and instantly being able to share common ground with them is such a great feeling!

The turtle came from the idea that slow and steady wins the craft….and makes it more enjoyable too!

We hope you all enjoy the new items in our shop as much as we enjoyed developing the idea for it!

Lots of thanks to David Gonzalez (@nopal62) for helping us with the design! We sure appreciate you David!

Check out the new shirts and stickers here!:

UPDATE: We’ve also added the design to our Spring fulfilled shop! The original shirts we ordered only went up to a size 2X. In Spring, the Comfort and Classic style shirts offer above 2X. There’s also the option of a stainless steel water bottle!