New way to help keep Steady Craftin’ going!

Steady Craftin’ is definitely a crowd-funded enterprise. We don’t take full advantage of the “make money on youtube” approach with sponsored videos (if we promote an item, it’s because we really like it – and likely didn’t make any money off of it. Maybe just a free product so we could show it off.). For years we didn’t even put in mid-roll ads because we wanted the Steady Craftin’ experience to be free of that interference when enjoying our videos. We put a LOT of hard work mixed with a few tears and a good bit of anxiety into each video because Crafsman does have a bit of a “it has to be the best thing I put out” mentality when it comes to things he produces and to have all that hard work interrupted by an ad just felt like it cheapened it. However, with inflation being so bad and direct supporters having to drop support in managing their own budgets, we found ourselves needing to begrudgingly supplement with those pesky mid-rolls.

Patreon is the main avenue that we make a living through ( It’s what keeps the lights on. However, we have had comments from some who didn’t want to use Patreon, so a while back, we set up a direct Paypal donation page ( And of course, there’s always the shop where we try to keep figures, stickers, shirts and pins available for any who are interested (

We’ve also had more than a few people tell us we really needed to get a Ko-fi account, so after looking into it, we went and set one up!

So, if you enjoy our videos and would like to help us keep this going, please consider helping us through any of the links above.

We love y’all and hope to be able to Keep On Steady Craftin’ for many years to come!

TCM and family